Authorities are calling for a regional meeting on a possible immigration crisis coming up once more as Cubans
Accumulate in numbers at the Costa Rican Panamanian border.

Water Authorities make accord with the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity in looking for water, as shortages are at a very worrying rate.

There is a worrying gap in the Judicial Court System as an unlimited amount of judicial appeals accumulate.

A study shows that the population has been gradually increasing in weight over the last 20 years. Last year men had a mass index of 26.5 and women had 27 when the ideal maximum is 25.

A subsidiary of the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, Racsa has accumulated US$110 million loss over the last six years.

The Greater Metropolitan Area of San Jose will have increased water shortages for the next two months. Water authorities are overwhelmed as the most affected on the south side have now performed two road blockages on San Jose’s ring road. Fire Authorities worries have also increased as several outbreaks of fire on empty building lots break out.

The US is to send a special mission to ease tensions in international commerce.

The National Healthcare System announces that a possible 50,000 people have diabetes without even knowing.

The Costa Rican Institute of Electricity has covered the losses at their subsidiary Racsa by increasing their budget and Debt Bonds. The Legislature has asked to open an enquiry.

The National Coffee crop has seen an increase this year and which is put down to a better control of diseases and caring for the plantation.

The Panama Papers causes an uproar and especially from the left.

The Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports has massaged its budget to its favour, the “Nacion” newspaper divulges in an investigative report.

The Ministry of Environment and Energy reports the average age of vehicles in use is of 16 years.

The Costa Rican Initiative for development teams up with 4 conglomerates to introduce small businesses products around the world.

Businesses defend themselves in the Panama Papers case as local laws do not include ‘Global Income’ and they manage international subsidiaries from Panama. They claim all their negotiations are within the law and have not cheated the taxman.

Too much paperwork to different Institutions hinder infrastructure projects which at times lead to failures. Ex Comptroller General from 2005-12 points out that funded and approved public works become tangled up in state procedures and when finally get the go ahead are out dated and not in accordance the funding. She recommends that government take real action to minimize losses. This initiative is seconded by the recently sworn in Minister for Public Works.

Week ends with the Central Bank’s reference buying rate of CRC542.72 and selling rate of CRC530.20 to US$1.00