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Insurance adminstrator orders to stop US$ 20 million donation to the government

The Insurance Administrator orders The Board of The National Institute of Insurance (INS) to leave without effect an agreement made to donate US$20 million to the government for the programme “My First Job” following a decree and which could open the door to other unhealthy attributes to the industry. He also warns the INS that although it is not illegal to loan to projects of public works, it is not however a normal activity of credit performed by the... leer más

12 senior officials of the government in polemic case

12 Senior Officials of the government signed polemic contracts in the 2010 election cycle denounced the Electoral Supreme Court and which the Attorney General’s has taken up. Six are serving in the present government, two are Legislators, another a Council Member of the Capital’s... leer más

2016 Budget approved

Congress approves the 2016 Budget by 32 votes to 12 without any cuts, on the first of three debates. leer más

Reforming the sales tax will hit the lower classes

The State of the Union report indicates that by reforming the sales tax to a value added tax will hit the middle class the most as lower classes would be reintegrated a monthly sum should the sign up to debit cards. The plan although have good intensions, is full of holes which could lead to corruption. The reports shows, how 28.000 people have slipped into programmes to help those in extreme poverty. It points out how to tackle the problem without increasing... leer más