por richard | Jul 9, 2015 | Sin categoría
Shipping lines expect a transit increase due to The Terminal. The waiting time of ships in Port Caldera was reduced by almost 50% since the operation began at the new multipurpose dock, opened three months ago. In January, a ship must wait about 20 hours in the bay before it can dock. By March, the time was 11 hours, reported Lianette Medina, CEO of Incop, which oversees the port, granted under a concession. Despite the encouraging data they are still preliminary and therefore it will be too early for businesses or shipping lines to take the decision to use this port to bring larger ships. Among the concerns is improving the time it takes for importers to clear goods, and queues of boats occur on certain days The next phase of the terminal will improve the breakwater, for which it already has the resources. Along with this, there will be a study for dredging in the old docks, so that everyone has a draft of 13 meters....