por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
A near CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS came about when a US Coast Guard Airplane helping local authorities combatting the drug war was ordered to leave the country by Civil Aviation as the plane had not been authorized by Congress to be in the country. No armed plane or forces are allowed into the country under the 1949 Constitution Article 12, stating all armed forces were outlawed and the country’s security was exclusive to the police force. The Left has argued that the US Coast Guard is military and while no weapons were on the plane Civil Aviation didn’t want to risk legal procedures against themselves....
por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
The productive sector claim that the law redacted to protect citizens and businesses from excesses in requirements and administrative procedures for doing business past in 2012, has worsen the situation instead of simplifying it....
por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
Starbucks to open in 15 different localities. http://www.nacion.com/economia/empresarial/Starbucks-cafeterias-inversiones_0_1518048275.html
por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
A Cuban and 6 Costa Ricans detained on drug related charges by exporting cocaine in pineapples and cassava to a group said to belong to the Italian mafia....
por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
Teacher’s Union plan to strike and coincide it with a weekend. http://www.nacion.com/nacional/educacion/Educadores-iran-huelga-viernes-octubre_0_1518048304.html