por richard | Oct 30, 2015 | Sin categoría
The government is to take the fight to all small drug dealers in the most conflictive communities of the country. Meetings with the acting Attorney General, President of the Congress (who is in opposition), the Home Secretary, the Director of Intelligence and Security together with the Judicial Branch taking place so all can be on the same page of the matter. You can read mora about it at the following link:...
por richard | Oct 30, 2015 | Sin categoría
Costa Rica aims to cut carbon emissions by 50% by 2050 by emphasizing on: 1) Urban electric trains, lowering taxes on hybrid and electrical transportation and with an efficient road system 2) Having 100% renewable energy by 2030. Currently in most years over 85% of electricity is generated by hydro and with geothermal, solar and wind this reaches over 90% 3) Easing taxes on industries that turn from fossil fuels to biomass and 4) subsidizing credit for agricultural activities that use less water and utilize more organic compost. You can have more information about this iniciative at the folowing platform:...
por richard | Oct 29, 2015 | Sin categoría
It has come into question whether that by subsidizing fuel to local fishermen who have fallen into hard times has taken a turn to some of this fuel ending up in the hands of people who is outside the benefitiary population to whom the subside was planned for , it may fall even in the hands of narco traffick . Read more about this at the following link:...
por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
Week ends with the Central Bank reference buying rate of 540.46 CRC and selling rate of 528.01 to 1 USD http://indicadoreseconomicos.bccr.fi.cr/indicadoreseconomicos/cuadros/frmvercatcuadro.aspx?CodCuadro=400&idioma=2
por richard | Oct 21, 2015 | Sin categoría
Ex-president says that organized crime sneaks in between institutional cracks and that it is urgent that all branches of government, the executive, the legislative and the judicial come together and fight it all being on the same page....